Mr. Poopybutthole

Mr. Poopybutthole is a long-time family friend of the Smith Family and a recurrent character of the show. He is mostly shown breaking the fourth wall during the show.


Mr. Poopybutthole



Mr. Poopybutthole is a very good friend to the Smith Family, from another dimension (where he is a planet-wide superstar) who has taken refuge with the Smith’s so he can live a normal life [as started in the comic series ‘Lil Poopy Superstar’ issue 1-5], he is described as a long-time friend of the family. Rick clearly considers him lá»›n have long been a dependable person, although it’s uncertain how long they’ve known each other. He made his first appearance in the episode Total Rickall. He is voiced by Justin Roiland.


He is shown have accompanied Rick and Morty on multiple adventures as well as experienced many great moments with the rest of the family. He is such a fond person the family that Beth can’t recall a single bad memory of him. It is revealed by that Mr. Poopybutthole is Jewish in his final appearance to date, as a Rabbi is shown to officiate his Wedding whilst he stomps on the napkin-wrapped glass.

Mr. Poopybutthole first appeared in the episode Total Rickall, where he was visiting the Smith Family when alien parasites started inserting fictitious good memories into their minds in an attempt lá»›n take over the world. Along with the rest of the family, Mr. Poopybutthole had to help the family figure out which new family friends were real and which ones were. Morty realizes that the Alien Parasites could only implant good memories into a person’s mind, so every family member who had no negative memories affiliated with them was killed. This results in Beth Smith silently questioning whether or not Mr. Poopybutthole is actually one of the many parasites that made them believe they were longtime friends. Beth pulls out one of Rick’s laser guns and shoots Mr. Poopybutthole in the chest, blasting him across the room onto a wall. The rest of the family panic and Beth retreats into the kitchen and haphazardly pours a glass of wine with eyes filled with tears as Mr. Poopybutthole awaits an ambulance while bleeding heavily.

After the credit sequence, Mr. Poopybutthole is shown slowly recovering inside the hospital. After telling the doctor that he no longer wishes to  see the Smiths at this point in time, the doctor tells Beth that’s he’s sorry that “They never had any bad memories of him.” Mr. Poopybutthole returns in the post-credits epilogue of the episode The Wedding Squanchers, where he was shown to have just watched the same episode as the viewer. He then turned to the viewers and talked them about the episode. He was shown to be walking with a cane from the events of Beth shooting him in his previous appearance. Mr. Poopybutthole also swallows his (what are assumed be) painkillers, pouring them into his mouth, without any water. He ended the episode, telling the viewers to tune into season 3 of the show to see how things would turn out for Rick and the Smith Family. Mr. Poopybutthole’s next appearance was the ending of The Rickchurian Mortydate, wherein he gives a similar teaser for the next season as he did in The Wedding Squanchers. Mr. Poopybutthole’s final appearance was actually in a video released by Adult Swim called “The Poop in my Pants”, which is a more sadly directed video of Mr. Poopybutthole looking through a book of all his life experiences, revealing his past.


Mr. Poopybutthole

Mr. Poopybutthole is a little yellow person shaped like chorizo with big eyes and a long nose. He wears a black top hat and a blue shirt that appears to be very tight on him, as stretch marks are seen around his neck. He also wears gray shorts and burgundy shoes. He has a high pitched and chipper voice.


Mr. Poopybutthole is a wild, crazy, cartoonish, and zany character who is always going around spewing silly catchphrases and doing funny things for everyone. He is always extremely happy and upbeat about everything and always knows how keep the rest of the family in a good mood even in the darkest of times. He will only be truly sad in the most miserable and drastic of moments, for instance, getting shot by Beth.


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